Trampolines for catamarans, nets for multihulls, giant hammocks
Autor: urednik1
Waterpolo nets
Vaterpolo nets are available in regulatory measures 1/3/1/1, or according the demand of a customer. Can be made of nylon or polyethylene, thicknes 3-6 mm, meshes 80-120 mm.
Pe 3-120 Pa 5,5-90-1/3 /0,6/1 Hand-made vaterpolo nets
Hockey Nets
We are producing hockey nets according to the desired dimensions out of knotless nylon net, 6 mm twine, mesh 30 mm . For hockey on the grass it is possible to make a net out of knotless nylon net 4 mm twine, mesh 40 mm.
Nets for mini goals
These nets can be of these dimensions : 0,9/1,2/0,8/0,8 ; or dimensions required by the customer.
Nets for mini goals, are made from polyethylene, nylon, polypropylene or polyester and are machine produced or hand-knitted. Thay can be of standard sizes or according to the dimensions required by the customer.
Pa 4-80-0,9/1,2/0,8/0,8
Football Nets
Standard football nets – white , 2,5/7,5/2/2 or smaller- 2/5/1/1 or any other dimensions – woven with a square mesh 80 mm, nylon thread 4 mm. Also available nets made of polyethylene or polapropilene 3 mm thread, mesh 120 mm . UV protected for outdoor use .
Pe 3-120 PP 3,5-120 PA 4-80-2,5/7,5/2/2
Nets for handball and futsal
Pa 4-80-2/3/1/1 with curtain PP 4-120-0,8/1,20 PP 3,5-120 Pe 3-120 PP 4-110-2/3/0,8/1,2, zaštitna mreža iza gola
Handball ( futsal ) goal nets ( with curtain or without) are made of polyethylene, nylon, polypropylene . Thay can be of standard sizes ( 2/3/1/1 or 2/3/0,8/1,2 ), or according to the dimensions required by the customer.
Net for waste container PP
High-tenacity and UV-ray treated polypropylene knotless woven nets with lock weave. Thickness 3-5 mm, meshes 40-80 mm, diemensions according to order of a customer, boarded with 6 mm rope.
Polypropylen net, thickness 3/5mm, mesh 40/50 mm Open garbage truck net PP 4-80 pp 4- 50
Net for waste container PE
High-tenacity and UV-ray treated polyethilene knotless woven nets with lock weave. Thickness 2-4 mm, meshes 20-120 mm, diemensions according to order of a customer, boarded with 6-12 mm rope.
PE 2 mm- mesh 25 mm PE 3-45
Net for waste containers- PA
High-tenacity and UV-ray treated polyamide knotless woven nets with lock weave. Thickness 3-6 mm, meshes 25-90 mm, diemensions according to order of a customer, boarded with 5-12 mm rope.
PA 4-40 Pa 5-50 Pa5-50 Pa 3-30
Fisherman nets for decoration
These nets can be white or coloured, with hemp, jute, cotton or weeping rope boarded , old corks or shelfish attached.
Creating a new net for decoration is always in interaction with customer, an mutual proces and two-way route.
We are preparing more coletions of fishing nets for home decoration
-navy colection
-colection old gold
-colection rust